$$ How Rich People Think..

 I recently come across an article entitled.. "21 ways rich people think differently than average people"

See, If it matches how you think ??


# "Average People" think MONEY is the root of all evil.. "Rich people" believe POVERTY is the root of evil

Many people are scared of money. I've heard many people saying

- I would never try and make money from this.
- I would never do this just for money. etc

like money is AIDS and they would never try and get it. Everyone needs money, there is no damn reason to make excuses or justify it or be afraid of it. I want money. This is how I make my money. Deal with it. Don’t be ashamed of your need or want for money. Get out there and take it and leave the excuses. 

# "Average People" think Selfishness is VICE.. "Rich people" think selfishness is a Virtue

Everyone is selfish.. but there are two types of selfishness :

- Overt (Open) Selfishness
- Covert (Hidden) Selfishness

when you come out & say..  "I want it my way and I’ll have it my way"
you will get what you want. When you play the covertly selfish guy, also known as nice guy syndrome, you are only going to get shit.

# "Average people" have a lottery mentality.. "Rich people" have an action mentality

I have heard many losers all the time “if I could just win the lottery. If I could just get a chance. If my big break would come in” and blah blah blah..  don’t expect anything to be given to you. If you want it you can be damn sure you’ll go and get it.

# "Average people" think the road to riches is paved with formal education.. "Rich people" believe in acquiring specific knowledge

Universities doesn't cook billionaires.. they have actually choosen to become one. Educate yourself, everything is freely available on Internet. Learn what you good in not what others think you CAN be good in. Learn your Craft.  

# "Average people" long for the good old days.. "Rich people" dream of the future

Some people call it planning for the future, I like to call it visualization. Visualize the future and how you will be. Actually see yourself as you wish to be. The things we think tend to become reality (assuming you aren’t a delusional narcissist).

“Things used to be so great, but nowadays….” Forget that nonsense and mold your future the way you want it.

# "Average people" see money through the eyes of emotion.. "Rich people" think about money logically

Money is like an extra emotion to poor people. They always have “money problems” and they’re always complaining about it.. Forget about money as emotion, it’s just a game "making money"  

Here’s a simple solution: If you’re poor…..DOWNSIZE!
…and then get to work, plan ahead, and quit spending your money on nonsense.

# "Average people" earn money doing things they don’t love.. "Rich people" follow their passion

I don’t like the word passion, that’s a word for women’s romance novels, the correct word is obsession. Rich people follow their obsessions to the edge of the earth and beyond. Average people can’t understand this because their obsession stops at their favorite sports team or tv show or smoking pot or some other nonsense. 4 Hour Work Week is a cool little motivational book but you can’t take the title literally. If you’re going to find success in your field you are going to spend every waking minute thinking about it, you will have to be obsessed. Forget relaxing, forget taking a break, just give in to the obsession.

# "Average people" set low expectations so they’re never disappointed.. "Rich people" are up for the challenge

“don’t worry about it friend. It’s no big deal. You expect too much. Let’s just watch the movie“

I have no time for this type of person. 


# "Average people" believe you have to DO something to get rich.. "Rich people" believe you have to BE something to get rich 

“What do I have to do to get rich?“

“Be the type of Animal that gets rich“

# "Average people" believe you need money to make money.. "Rich people" use other people’s money

lemme tell you.. I won my first bet using none of my own money. Where there is a will, there is a way.

If you need something bad enough.. you will get it.

# "Average people" believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy.. "Rich people" know they’re driven by emotion and greed

I have no time for these logic's and strategies..
If you look at everything logically you aren’t looking at the big picture and I’ll tell you why. Most people in the world do not think logically, they think emotionally. When you speak to them logically, They only pretend to talk to you logically same as you are pretending to talk logically but none of you does.

# "Average people" live beyond their means.. "Rich people" live below theirs

# "Average people" teach their children how to survive.. "Rich people" teach their kids to get rich

I have Average parents who taught me how to be average. For them life is.. "Birth - School - Job - Marriage - Retirement - Death" Earn to Survive these 70yrs.
# "Average people" let money stress them out.. "Rich people" find peace of mind in wealth

Money buys you freedom..  If you have money you don’t have to take orders. When you have money you have the pleasure of saying my favorite word, “no”. I do anything I want any time I want. I don’t ask permission.


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